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  • How is the Company structured?
    The company is a registered not for profit company limited by guarantee. It is comprised of members who have paid into the scheme. A volunteer Board of Directors who are responsible for the day to day running of the Company on behalf of the Members. Membership requirement is unique when compared to other water supply systems that rely on the viability of an individual or private company. The Board of Directors endeavour to ensure the provision of water to Members that participate in the scheme for domestic and emergency services such as the Country Fire Service and State Emergency Service if required.
  • Does the Company provide potable water to households?
    NO. The Company supplies untreated bore water to a property. It does not undertake any treatment of the water. The Company does not guarantee water quality. The Australian Water Quality Centre (subsidiary of SAWater) do regular water quality tests on behalf of the Company. Members and the public will be notified if any risk to public health is apparent. Water supplied by Greenhill Water can be used for most domestic and firefighting purposes, however both rainwater and bore water may require treatment prior to human consumption.
  • Will the Company connect me to the scheme if I don’t have an independent supply?
    No. Under the Company Constitution any property that does not have at least a 60,000 litre independent water supply will not be connected to the Company Water Supply.
  • Can there be more than one member per property?
    Membership of the Company is obtained by paying to the Company the membership fee determined by the Directors. Only the registered proprietors, as described on the Certificate of Title, of Properties located in the suburb of Greenhill in the state of South Australia are eligible to be members of the Company. Only one membership will be accepted in respect of each Property. Membership fees, once paid, are not refundable. Membership is transferable only where an existing member sells a Property for which membership is held. In that case membership in respect of the Property sold transfers on settlement to that person registered as the new owner on the Certificate of Title for the Property and to no other.
  • Can I sell or give away my entitlement to water?
    No. Clause 18 of the company constitution specifically prohibits this. Clause 18 states: “members of the company may not use the water supplied by the company for commercial purposes nor may a member sell or pass title to water supplied by the Company to a third party.” Membership only transfers when the property is sold.
  • What is the minimum size water tank I must have to become a member?
    The GWSC constitution specifically requires members to have and maintain a high degree of self-sufficiency in domestic water supply. At least 60,000 litres static capacity providing the dwelling with its primary source of water is essential for membership consideration. Planning Act of South Australia requires all residents in C.F.S. response areas to maintain a minimum of 22,000 litres at all times for firefighting. GWSC Directors have power to revoke membership when this condition is breached. The water bore water and is designed to be used as a top-up supply and should not be relied upon as a primary supply.
  • Who manages the company?
    The company is managed by a Board of Directors who are elected as per the Company Constitution, volunteer their services, reside within the Greenhill Community and are current financial members of the Company. A minimum of three Directors make up the Board.
  • What is the Greenhill Water Supply Company?
    The Greenhill Water supply Company is a community based company, set up and operated by the Greenhill community. Its charter is to provide shareholders with adequate supply of water to protect their properties in the event of a fire or other emergency.
  • Efficiency how can I help?
    The more efficiently the water system is used the more cost effective running cost become. Keeping tanks filled during the peak water use season (Summer) avoiding panic filling prior to catastrophic fire ban days, allows for the use of off peak power to refill the main tank. As a member you are responsible for the design, acquisition, installation and maintenance of any reticulation system or plumbing attached to the water meter outlet on your property. Before installing reticulation systems (GWSC) strongly recommends that you seek professional advice with a view to water pressure and the potential for damage to above-ground systems that may be subjected to physical damage, wildfire and ultra-violet radiation, in which case the (GWSC) recommends the use of copper or galvanized steel pipe with metal fittings. As water leaks can happen any time within your system, (GWSC) recommends regular checks of the water meter to monitor any irregularities in readings and possible leaks that if left can result in excessive water use and cost to you.
  • Why should I bother with my rainwater system when the community bore water seems perfectly safe?
    Water supplied by GWSC is untreated bore water. Should any person consume the water, they do so totally at their own risk. Water quality is independently tested (by SA Water) regularly during the year. Should the tests indicate problems of any kind, warning signs will be posted.
  • How are the water charges determined?
    The Supply Fee, a fixed amount per property independent of the quantity of water used, is to be paid on invoice for the provision of the water service regardless of whether water is actually used. The Water Consumption Fee, a fee that varies according to the amount of water used, is to be paid on invoice. Charges will be determined in such a way that no one member is treated any more favorably than any other member. Fees and charges are determined to ensure the company remains viable and solvent. Fees and charges will be established annually in advance by the Directors and tabled at the Annual General Meeting of the Company. The water allocation to each member is 400,000 litres, the Company Constitution provides for penalty rates to any consumption above this figure.
  • My water bill?
    Greenhill Water bills are processed in July each year and are made up of the following. Supply Fee Each member will be billed separately by June 30 of each year for an annual Supply Fee to be paid in advance for the following year. This is a fixed fee applicable to each member property independent of the volume of water used. Consumption Fee The Consumption Fee will reflect the actual volume of water used in the current year. Water rates are calculated each financial year and are subject to RBA (CPI). First 0-1KL Free From 1KL to 11KL – (Rate 1) Minimum Charge From 11KL to 400KL – (Rate 1) From 400KL to 500KL – (Rate 2) From 500KL and above – (Rate 3) Meter readings take place in May or June each year. Consumption is calculated and billed separate to the Supply Fee prior to August 1. Accounts are due and payable in 30 days. Preferred payment is by Electronic transfer to the following account: Cheques made out to “Greenhill Water Supply Co Ltd” 97 Yarrabee Road Greenhill SA 5140
  • My water bill looks high. What are my options?
    As with SA Water, once water passes through your meter it is your responsibility. The steps that should be taken are: Search your property regularly for possible leaks.(You may have split pipes, leaking joints or faulty shut off floats, the fault may well be underground. Water theft or vandalism should also be considered. Pets and children playing with water equipment should not be discounted. If you have eliminated all of the above, it may be that your meter is not registering correctly. You should contact the Company to ensure that the meter is working correctly. Although the Company tests all the meters before installation some may be faulty. Meter reading disputes: Testing disputed meters, a fee is payable in advance, if faulty, monies will be returned.
  • Other charges
    Other charges which are applicable under certain conditions: Annual Supply Fee - $348.09 Meter Box Clearing and Cleaning - $57.25 Interim Reading and Conveyancing Liaison - $114.50 Joining Fee - $2472.47 Minimum Connection Fee - Plumber market price - $873.67 (Estimate Only) Meter Testing (Refundable/Conditions) - $116.00
  • Why does the water sometimes have a brownish colour?
    The colouration is caused by Iron Bacteria. This often occurs in South Australian bores and according to the SA Health Department is not harmful in concentrations the Company has experienced. The company is treating the bore with a mild chemical in an attempt to control the bacteria.
  • What is the minimum water tank size required by the CFS?
    Greenhill has a High Fire rating within a rural area. The SA Country Fire Service recommends that each household have a minimum 5,000 litres for use with a firefighting pump and 22,000 litres if a sprinkler system is installed.
  • What is the minimum water tank size legally required?
    The suburb of Greenhill is classified as a “High Bushfire Risk Area” (previously known as a CFS referral area). New houses in Greenhill are required to maintain a minimum of 22,000 litre dedicated water supply for firefighting purposes at all times. For more information regarding the requirements for Greenhill please refer to In particular refer to the PDF sheet titled “Information required for development in Bushfire Risk Areas”.
  • What sort of pipes should I use above ground?
    Any pipework which is located above ground or is not buried at least 300 mm below ground should be copper or steel. Piping buried more than 300 mm would preferably be PVC.
  • Who owns the meter and other attachments?
    GWSC installed water meter on each member’s property. GWSC supplies bore water to that meter. GWSC responsibility ceases on the member side of the meter, including any legally required attachments, such as shut off, non return valves and flow control valves and remain at all times the property of the Company. Members agree the meter will be available to be read and maintained by an authorised agent of the Company when required. Company approved agents are the only persons authorised to do repairs to company property. In the case of damage caused to the Company meter or property by a member, member’s family or agents, may be liable for costs of repair.
  • Where are the hydrants located?
    There is an infrastructure map available on the About Us page. YAN039 Hydrant at tank C.F.S. Only YAN025 YAN011 YAN005 GRE Wine Shanty YAR167 YAR161 YAR151 YAR145 YAR135 YAR125 YAR113 YAR105 YAR097 BORE YAR093 YAR087 YARHIL YAR064 YAR052 YAR040 YARQUI YAR011 YAR002 CHR011 CHR002 STA001 STA005 STA009 STA014 GRE080 GRE737
  • Community hose boxes are no longer in service.
    Community Fire Hose Boxes were taken out of service April 2017 due to the task of upkeep, training and finding qualified trainers, legal responsibilities, cost of insurance and possible litigation.
  • Where is the bore located?
    Greenhill Water Bore is located on a company easement 97 Yarrabee Road Greenhill
  • Where is the community water tank located?
    Greenhill Water Storage Tank is sited at 39 Yanagin Road
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